October 22, 2013

Egg Slut Truck

If the name doesn't grab your attention, maybe this will:

The Fairfax

Or this:

The Slut

Definitely this:

Sausage, Egg & Cheese

True to its namesake, Egg Slut serves eggs in a way that makes it very hard to look away. Unlike its namesake, however, Egg Slut is a place you will want to return to more than once.

As many of you are already aware, the "slutmobile" will no longer be parked next to Handsome Coffee in the Arts District of LA (insert sad face).  Instead, it has made a new home in the great Grand Central Market (GCM) {article} (insert clappy/happy face).  While it's both exciting and strange to see GCM go through a facelift over the years with a wave of hipster posts moving in, I'm thrilled to learn that Egg Slut will be an easily accessible item for all (truly slutty, indeed).  Get in bed with Egg Slut {article}.

If Egg Slut's menu at GCM will be anything like what they served off the truck, I know they'll be well-received by hungry DTLA-ers.  Here's a glimpse of what they slutted around on the truck.

The Fairfax -- $7

Sausage, Egg & Cheese -- $7

The Slut -- $9

Stir the coddled egg & potato puree...

... with the chives and grey salt for pure yumminess.

Other menu items that we did not try:

For a food truck, the prices are steep.  The portions aren't that big.  The food wasn't ready in record time.  And it isn't the most amazing egg sandwich I've ever eaten in my life.  All that said, the buttered brioche bun is what defines comfort in comfort food, and the fusion of all the flavours brought a very satisfied smile to my face.  I never thought I'd say this, but I'm a fan of the Slut, too.

With a kitchen and better set-up in GCM, I'm sure Egg Slut will provide even more delicious items. Next time, I'll also consider stuffing my sandwich with avo(cado) and bacon!  As in, that will be done.  Join me!

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Egg Slut Truck on Urbanspoon

cuisine: Eggs & things
location: Downtown LA in Grand Central Market (coming soon!)
hours: TBD
websites: { Egg Slut | yelp | twitter | facebook | instagram }
attire: Casual
parking: Street meters and flat rate parking structures/ lots.
fun tid-bit: Chef and co-owner Alvin Cailan previously cooked with David LeFevre at M.B. Post, which he helped open.

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