May 14, 2011

Best Summer Ever (Ever) Begins... Now!

School is out and my fun self is back in full force! (sort of).  Despite my fatigued face, I am very excited to finally reconnect with the good friends I've neglected and check out all the cool places that I've listed on my "Best Summer Ever (Ever) List."

Since I'll be back in the 'bank, I've collected a list of eateries I intend to visit in the next coming weeks:
  • Studio Cafe Magazzino { link }
  • Sweetsalt { link }
  • Olive & Thyme { link }
  • Mantee { link }
  • Lily's Cafe { link }
  • Bea Bea's { link }
  • Cafe Elegante { link }
  • Garni Kebab { link }
  • Pietro's { link }
Stay tuned for a slew of steady updates and thanks for reading!

If you like what you read, please "like" me on Facebook [here] or follow me on Twitter [here Thanks, everyone!

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