Some days -- mainly when I'm sitting in gross traffic, which is unsurprisingly very often -- I wonder why I'm back in this hellhole of a place where people are superficial, self-seeking, and just plain rude. The smog is quickening my death. I am tired of having convos which lack substance. I can't deal with everyone's obsession with labels (the East definitely has its share of label-whoreness though) and image-consciousness. (No, being stick skinny is actually not pretty and no, your fake boobs do not make it ok).
But then there are other days where I am giddy with happiness because I can run around in the glorious sun and dry heat (tres importante!), drive along the PCH and blast fun music with windows down and wind in hair, or have the liberty to choose from a wide variety of different cuisines. A true melting pot, indeed.
Pictured above: Heavenly Chicken, Shrimp Red Curry, Spicy Pork, Pad See Ew
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cuisine: Thai
location: Silverlake, CA
website: { menu , yelp }
good for: L, D (but especially lunch!)
cost: $5-10 ($6 lunch specials, everyday from 11:30am - 3:00 pm! score!)