April 01, 2011

How to Cook... Everything!

Great cookbook!* { link }

If I wasn't a full time law student, my ideal day would look something like this: early morning hike or yoga outdoors (overlooking the beautiful Pacific, please); long, leisurely brunch at some quaint cafe (like this place); shopping spree at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's; readreadread; writewritewrite; and cookcookcook.  Smile, repeat.  Some of you would join me in my daily "carpe diem" adventures in a heartbeat, but "not the cooking part.  I can't cook!"  Oh darling, you can cook -- you just think you can't.

Great cooks aren't born overnight.  In fact, some, if not all, of the world's top chefs have labored -- and I mean labored -- as the bottom-rung, sous-sous-sous chef for many a year, learning, practicing, and refining skills with hopes that one day, those skills will manifest into something great.  While it's true some folks have a knack for certain things, special God-given talents and shining attributes, cooking is a gift that can truly be learned.  

So don't be intimidated!  Instead of being overwhelmed, take a deep breath and start simple.  And just know, cooking is often one huge experiment that doesn't always have to follow an exact recipe (though following one is recommended for newbies).  Also, don't feel discouraged if your first dish comes out undercooked, burnt, or just plain ugly.  Cooking takes time, patience, and lots and lots of practice.  Before you know it, you'll be servin' up your own 3-course meal!

The world is your oyster, friends!  Be inspired.  And feel free to share with me your kitchen adventures (failures and successes alike)! :)

*I don't plan on pulling a Julie Powell with Matt Bittman as she did with Julia Child, but I hope that someday I can say I've cooked everything in the above-pictured cookbook.  Besides, it'll be nice to tab it, mark it up, and wear it out like a well-used & familiar baseball glove.  (Speaking of baseball, go Dodgers!)

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