July 18, 2010

8 Oz. Burger Bar

The 8 Oz. Burger (notable ingredients: cheese that appeared to be fried; mysterious, but tasty white sauce)

While I have been critiquing eateries, others have been critiquing my posts (ha). They say less words, more pictures. To appease ya'll, I'll just leave you with this: the "best burger in LA" does not exist here. Everything too salty. High ceilings nice, but too loud; can't hear. Full bar. Decent prices.

Grilled Short Rib Sandwich w/ Bel Paese cheeeeez and truffled potato skins on the side

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cuisine: American/ Burger Bar
location: Mid-Wilshire
website: { 8 oz. | yelp }
good for: D
cost: $8-15
** NOTE ** now closed!